27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving !

Today i want to give thanks to the people who stopped by and read this and to the people of 8-legged Entertainment who kindly created, or captured if you will, Taco the cooking Octopus. And some great cooking this Octopus does.
The animations are not only highly entertaining, the ROFL kind, but the recipes are likewise good. And you get a lot of background information and scientific food facts.
Taco the Octopus has cooked up some Thanksgiving treats: Deep fried Turkey and Pumpkin Flan. Try the Cookies too they are the best!

Last year we tried to cook Deep Fried Turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner we had with a Franco-American family. My friend PJ made the corn dressing according to her Southern family recipe. Delicious and rich. And there was loads of other stuff with pumpkin. I don't remember exactly because I ate so much and felt so terrible, that I discarded the memory of it.
But for the Deep Fried Turkey à la Taco the Octopus i have photos and video to prove and remind. The original recipe talks about a hole turkey, but we don't have a big enough frying pan and miss other utensils like a cooking thermometer to control the temperature of the oil. I had to go to the pharmacist to get a seringe with a needle to inject the cut-up turkey with the marinade. The lady gave me a curious look after i told her what i need it for. She probably thought i was crazy but was intrigued by our cooking endeavor. That was the day before when we prepared the bird. On the day self Philippe enjoyed getting every thing ready for the frying. And had developed a methodic plan of action. This deep frying is better done well prepared. The turkey was okay, some pieces a bit dry maybe. We need to perfection our skill and get the cooking times right.
Philippe is ready to try it again this year.
(We'll do it this weekend for it's a normal workday here, so no time to prepare and no time to digest afterwards)

Happy Thanksgiving to all !

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