19 April 2010

Goose in Bondage

Stuffed with apples and other stuff that smells really good, now it's sizzling in the oven. Neatly tight up as in a wet bondage dream. Served with cheesy macaroni casserole and maybe some vegetables :)

18 April 2010

Eat your Heart out Homer Simpson!

A quick post to share this link with you. Got it via a Facebook friend.
It is so horrible really, that it becomes so desirable sort of holding up the mirror and showing right in my face a drooling Homer Simpson!

Enjoy or should i say don't do this at home?

and don't forget to check out the rest of the website This Is Why You're Fat !

11 April 2010

Emma's Birthday Cake - Gateau Pistache-Framboise

Rien à dire ma fille à du goût: pour son anniversaire elle voulait le gâteau Pistache-Framboise que j'avais improvisé un jour pour le goûter d'une chère amie. Un gâteau pour adulte je pensais dans tout ma naïveté que c'est trop sophistiqué pour des gosses. Tu parles! J'ai du défendre ma part avec un grand couteau!
Enfin pas vraiment besoin de se battre autant d'en refaire un c'est tellement simple et rapide. (Sauf dès fois difficile de trouver des pistaches non salées...)
Allez on y va:
Mélangé dans l'ordre d'apparence:
150 gr beurre
150 gr sucre
3 oeufs + 150 gr pistaches non salées (hachez les pistaches ensemble avec des oeufs c'est plus facile pour votre robot/mixer!)
pincé de sel
sachet de levure chimique
bon poignée de framboises ou équivalent surgelées

Mettre le mélange dans une jolie forme enfourner dans un four préchauffer à 180°C pendant 30 minutes environs.
Sortez le gâteau et tourner le sur un plat de présentation.
Fondre une plaquette de chocolat noir (moi j le fais vite fait dans le micronde) et étaler le chocolat fondu sur le gâteau, décorez-le selon votre envie et laissez refroidir. Il faut que le chocolat et redevenu dur et craquant .

Joyeux anniversaire!

Easy and fast to make, looks and tastes fabulous, so let's get right to it:
you'll need:
150 gr soft butter
150 gr sugar
3 eggs
150 gr unsalted raw pistachios chopped/blended
pinch of salt
baking soda
a handful of raspberries

Mix and combine the ingredients in the order of appearance on my list. I learned today that mixing the eggs and pistachios at the same time in my blender it, makes it much easier to get them finely chopped and not fatigue de blender or make them fly around the kitchen.
Put the mixture in a baking form if it's more shallow the cooking time is shorter. For the form i used: about 30 minutes in a 180°C pre-heated oven.
When done take the cake out of the oven and turn around on a serving plate.
Melt a minimum of 100 gr dark chocolate any way you fancy (I prefer the short and sweet microwave method) spread over the warm cake.
Decorate with raspberries or something else or leave it like that.
Let the cake cool until the chocolate is crisp again.

07 April 2010

Everything Keith Floyd cooked on TV looks so fantastic. He makes it look so simple and so rich in taste that you can smell it trough the screen! His taste for life was so contagious. Life is good after seeing an episode.
His take on the Toulouse cassoulet is so great. No need to have it cooked for that long family recipes make you cook it. And the Stade Toulousain rugby players ask for second helpings! If their mothers would see this!
Good thing we have videos to enjoy it over and over again.

24 February 2010

How to cook an egg

Get it down to the second, considering all the details like environment, size, preferences this funny web-based application, tells you with precision how long to cook the perfect egg!
With Eggwatcher you'll never do it wrong again!


17 February 2010

No enfants nous accuseront/ Our Children will accuse us

Après ce TED vidéo de Jamie Oliver c'est important de voir cette bande annonce du film-documentaire de Jean Paul Jaud.
Comment notre nourriture nous rend malade. Même message donc que Mr Oliver plus axé sur la production de notre nourriture et montrer le doigt à l'agriculture intensive et industrielle.
Ce qui est troublant c'est la campagne que je perçois comme encore intacte ne l'est pas du tout. (dans la bande annonce on voit des villages et agriculteurs ici à coté dans le Gard!)
Ça craint!
Je félicite le maire de ce village qui à décidé que la cantine d'école servira les repas bio. Bravo!

Next video on the Health-Food relationship. Here's the trailer to the movie-documentary of Jean Paul Jaud.
What i find disturbing is the fact that the country side ( here next door!), i thought to be still good and healthy, is in fact sick and sickening with this intense-industrial kind of production. With an excessive need for pesticides and other treatment methods.
No really appetizing ...
On the positive note: I do admire the mayor of that small village next door that decided to have served only organic produced food in the school cafeteria.

16 February 2010

Jamie Oliver: on Diet

A passionate plead on disease and food relation. A health catastrophe is happening right now on our plates.
Jamie's serious message (I think it's a perverse situation that eating bad food is killing us faster than not having sufficient food) The good news is we can prevent it and we can revers it. Education is key.
The part with the kids not knowing what the basic vegetables are is mind boggling. Then again i have been in supermarket check-outs where the ladies and/or occasional guy didn't know what veggie i was trying to buy (nothing fancy or exotic just a basic seasonal local thing)
These are important issues that need to be addressed. And it's the reason i started this blog, not that I am en expert nor am i so witty as Jamie, but because i feel that the next revolution is and will be on our plate. Food is the new way of keeping us powerless and a way of control (sure i watched an episode of X-files too many, but think about the additives extra sugar and fat in processed and fast food if it isn't to keep us addicted...?) Easy way to control our bodies, health and spending money.
Don't let them get you!

13 February 2010

Vin d'un port USB près de chez vous

Bête mais efficace pour la bon humeur. Quand même, je me demande quand est-ce que ce genre de truc devient réalité?

11 February 2010

Monster E-cookies

Emma (8) is not only a talented Artist with her hilarious trans-media installation but she will also go down in history as fantastic cookie maker.
The amazing thing is that she made the cookies without recipe...
Cookie Monster eat your heart out :-)

Since you will need the recipe, here it is:
preheat the oven at about 180-200°c

melt 150 g butter
take a measure cup look up the flour measurements and measure with that cup
150 g flour
150 g oats
150 g sugar
add to melted butter
add 1 egg and a pinch of salt
some chocolate chips
mix well, spoon the mixture in heaps on a baking sheet coated oven plate (not too big because they will melt together) , stick in warm oven for 10 minutes
Then the hard part: yo have to wait till they cool down!

Non seulement Emma (8) est connue pour ses installation artistique Trans-Media délirantes mais à partir de hier elle est connue comme pâtissière fantastique!
Elle a fait les cookies délicieux sans recette, comme ça au pif!

Puisque vous ne pouvez faire sans, voici la recette secrete
pré-chauffer le four vers 180-200°c

fondre 150 g beurre (beukre dans langage Emma vers 3 ans)
prenez un bol mesureur et repérez la marque 150 g (farine)
puis mesurez
150 g farine
150 g avoine
150 g sucre
ajoutez au beurre fondu
ajoutez un oeuf et un pincé de sel
et des pépites de chocolat
mélangez bien, avec une cuillère faites des petits tas sur un plaque de four couvert avec papier sulfurisé.
Mettez dans le four chaud pendant 10 minutes seulement.
Et maintenant le plus dur... attendez que les E-cookies sont refroidis.
bon courage!