31 January 2009

delicious bacon explosion

Let me warn you upfront: look at it, prepare it, eat it, enjoy it at your own risk. Only looking at it adds 2 kilos permanently to my hips and waistband.
But OMG isn't it worth it? It looks like to die for and you probably will. This treat gives you definitely a dangerous peak in your cholesterol levels. And it's not really kosher so you'll burn in hell for having eaten a life time supply of bacon in one meal.
But dang it looks so good! The images are burned in my brain forever and writing about it makes me drool like Homer Simpson.

30 January 2009

Regional Cola Rebellion

L'auvergne se rebelle et a crée son propre soda au goût de cola. L'Auvergnat Cola Mmm ça va être bon avec la truffade!

Mais les auvergnats ne sont pas les seuls à se "rebeller". Les corses aussi on "leur" Corsica Cola à part de forme de la bouteille l'étiquette ressemble tellement au grand concurrent, que on dirait presque un design à l'honneur de CC (Light). Où est la rébellion dans tout ça? On a mal digéré que Orangina a été racheté?
Ça ne sera pas plus facile de ne plus boire du cola et boire à la place des sodas anciens comme la limonade? Avant il n'y a plus de petites producteurs locaux. Soutenons les avant que'ils se font racheter par des grands groupes notés sur Wallstreet!

A Tweet from lamaincourante brought to my attention the site of Auvergnat Cola. As the site states it's born as an act of rebellion to produce a cola in the Auvergnat region. Sure they have great volcanic springwater, but do you have to drink it with tons of sugar and a secret mixture of more or less tasty ingredients? Would they serve this cola rather than the soda from the "evil empire" with an authentic Truffade?

But the Auvergnats are not the only ones to rebel with their own regional cola, the Corsicans did it too. The Corsica Cola bottle is different shaped but the label looks like a free meal for copyright lawyers to me!
Where's the rebellion in being a look-a-like ? Did you people haven't digested the Orangina take-over yet?
What about not drinking cola anymore and drink original old fashioned lemonade instead ? Although there are just a couple of survivors from the many local producers from way back when, it is still produced and the producers are struggling for market-share. It would be way more sustainable and rebellious then any cola spin-off.

28 January 2009

Popular Blogger goes shopping

Here's a video from Steve Garfield a blogger i follow on Twitter, he takes us shopping. Funny but we never know what he bought!

11 January 2009

Grocery Store Wars

A video story on bio food:

09 January 2009

Monsanto Milk and Fox: the truth is out there...

Aint we glad we don't have hormones in our milk in Europe... or do we? I'll stick to organic milk to be sure. But what about independent media? Do we have a sort of "organic" label for journalist and news outlets?

06 January 2009

Ted Talks Chinese Food

Ted Talks is always interesting always something to learn. This Ted Talk is food related: Interesting and funny information about the origins of Chinese food. All time favorites are often times not as Chinese as we think. My personal favorite is the Chop Suey story: translated it means odds and ends and would be equivalent of putting "leftovers" on the menu.

02 January 2009

Ted Talks Food for Thoughts

Dan Barber talking about Foie Gras, I know you had enough of that during the holidays, we people living in France sure did. But this Ted Talk makes a great start of the year.
Dan is not only talking about a producer in Spain making natural Foie Gras without gavage producing an absolute divine product, exactly as nature intended. Making the parallel to other products and giving us some food for thoughts about food and life.