07 December 2009

Food Advice from Billy Connolly

So funny and good advice: eat at home!

22 November 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"Distant water won't quench your immediate thirst."

15 November 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"Dish of carrot hastily cooked may still has soil uncleaned off the vegetable."

11 November 2009

It's "Poule au pot" Jim...

But not as I know it! This doesn't look very appetising what they show over @ Acid Cow. be warned!
Who's buying and for crying out loud eating this?! Where is this all going...
I going to have some comfort food (home-backed cookies) to numb this disgusting feeling I have.

07 November 2009

the costs of a good meal

According to several sources, a certain billionaire, Roman Abramovich, spend a 47 000 USD for a lunch at a NY eatery
To his defense might i add that he shared the meal with 9 others and he left a 5 000 USD tip. He injected a couple of thousand dollar into the local economy and all he got was this cheap looking bill?
I'm disappointed. With this money they earned they could invest in a designer and a printing system to print out nice looking bills worthy of these sums of money...

04 November 2009

Stinky Food

A bit like in the tradition of The Sneeze's food testing, unfortunately not so elaborated but funny and worthwhile noting: iamkoream.com/stinking-good

01 November 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"Govern a family as you would cook a small fish -- very gently."

25 October 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time."

18 October 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of being choked."

11 October 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"An overcrowded chicken farm produce fewer eggs."

04 October 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"Pick up a sesame seed but lose sight of a watermelon."

27 September 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"Without rice, even the cleverest housewife cannot cook."

25 September 2009

Creative with Sandwiches

Here's an interesting idea for use of sandwiches and/or scanners:
At scanwiches.com they use both to show you in a direct and yet appetising way the delicious sandwiches they discover or make.
I love sandwiches and i oppose the way so called nutrition specialists shed a bad light on this food group! You can make a sandwich as good or as bad health and taste wise as anything else. Enjoying food is what's most important for our health!

Une idée intéressant de quoi faire avec des sandwich et/ou scanner.
Chez scanwiches.com ils utilisent les deux pour montrer d'une manière originale et appétissante les sandwiches ils découvrent ou font.
J'adore un sandwich bien fait et je m'oppose au soit disant spécialistes de la nutrition qui nous disent de bouder des sandwiches.
Un sandwich est si bon ou mauvais comme tout autre nourriture ça dépend comment il est préparé. Si c'est fait avec amour et mangé avec appréciation, ça ne peut pas être mauvais pour nous!

20 September 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."

14 September 2009

Liens pour les nuls en Bio et additives

Deux liens que mon chair&tendre m'a fait parvenir. Probablement parce que dans nos conversations au sujet de la bonne - et mal-bouffe les mots "bio" et additive nr E-quelquechose tombent dans 1 phrase sur deux. Bref des liens utiles, pour une fois, qui peuvent faire plaisir aux chers lecteurs de ce blog (je crois ce ne sont que 3):




13 September 2009

Chinese Proverb of the week

"When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them."

11 September 2009

La rentrée: food of the other kind

It's "La rentrée" in France. That's adding a lot of fuzz to start the new school year and cultural season. And the time to pick-up where i left off. I gathered lots of material so that should cover regular posts!

Talking about culture and food: Here's Grace Jones with a new album (okay maybe not that new I lag a bit behind!) for which they made for the cover a chocolate Grace, yummy!
see the photos on this website: english.mashkulture.net

And here's the clip Corporate Cannibal (It's food Jim, but not as we know it!)

21 August 2009

It's a long hot summer

3 months and counting of around 30° it's getting me beyond the limits of what a normal person can handle. the good news is that the tomatoes are growing nicely, the courgette plants have lots of flowers (i should have got a bunch of them to fry instead of waiting for the courgettes to grow...)
And other nice summer simple yet satisfying culinary pleasures.

Not from my garden, but a fine selection of ancient species tomatoes :

... and then chopped up with an onion olive oil and vinegar aka tomato salad:

A summer must to keep cool:

Italian courgette from the Gers

07 June 2009

Strange food

Okay i admit it's highly unusual for most of us, but that doesn't mean it doesn't taste good!
Some of the things you see are actually remedies/medicines in TCM like the scorpio (Quan Xie - treatment for convulsions, tremors, migraines) or bird's nest (very good in anti-aging treatment!).

08 May 2009

Politrix and food, what's not to love about that combination? Always good for some "saignant" news. Such as £500K bill to feed the attendees while discussing world crisis according to the Independent.co.uk

"When the world's most powerful leaders descended on London last month to tackle the economic crisis, they left Gordon Brown basking in the glory of brokering a deal to pump billions into the world's economy.

But it also left British taxpayers with a less desirable legacy – a bill of about £500,000 for wining and dining the delegates, their partners and their aides, The Independent can reveal."

Story continued in this article.

They could have set an example and show their concern, solidarity and that they mean business by eating a simple yet healthy meal for the official part and drink the good bottle of wine for the private part of the event AND paid out of their own pocket money and not subsided by taxpayers!

This kind of news makes my stomach turn and squeeze!

30 April 2009

rebellious kids

I wasn't hearing the message and the complaints: "oh no not again soup!" . What do you mean? the last time we had soup was weeks ago... So i got it written on our "communication centre"
Instead of light green spring meals I will have to cook and feed them big chunks of meat. oh well, at least they are eating something and that's more warming and nourishing home-made soup for me!

02 March 2009

Power Tool

After a long time of wanting one and having seen them at work in friends' places, we finally have one of our own: a Bread Machine. We got it from friends because there was a little piece broken and although it has been fixed and was working again they decided to buy a new one. So we got to adopt one that came without the notice, because these people trow out systematically the notice and guaranty papers. Luckily we found a new user guide on the French website: mesnotices.fr And have been making bread at an average rate of 1 and a half bread a day ever since. We bought all kind of ready mixes that turn out just fine.
I bought also mixes that are not really ready-to -bake mixes, you have to add everything except the flour. What a fake! Still a lot of recipes to try and to discover.
The great thing is i can bring my favorite lunch: peanutbutter sandwiches made of chewy big bread slices.
Instead of wondering what to eat today i wonder what kind of bread to make. It's a different feeling. I feel more complete now we have this machine. Maybe because i take care now of our daily bread instead of buying it someplace where you have to consider opening times and days and where there's just an exchange of money and no physical action involved. I did make bread by hand sometimes. It's not that much work but you have these waiting times and you have to have a good place to leave the dough rising. That's way easier in summer than in wintertime when i have a hard time keeping my house warm! With t he machine just put the ingredients in, program and after about 3 hours you have your house smelling like a bakery.The only trouble is getting the bread out and you'll end up with 2 big holes in your bread. But we have found out that if you take the mixers out before the baking process starts, the bread comes out easier and the holes are smaller. I want to try a pain aux epices with figs, and try to make a cumin bread like I recently had from the Jewish baker over at Rue des Rosiers in Paris. I wonder if they use some rye flower?

If you have a machine too let's share experiences and recipes!

Next thing on my want list is an expresso machine....

31 January 2009

delicious bacon explosion

Let me warn you upfront: look at it, prepare it, eat it, enjoy it at your own risk. Only looking at it adds 2 kilos permanently to my hips and waistband.
But OMG isn't it worth it? It looks like to die for and you probably will. This treat gives you definitely a dangerous peak in your cholesterol levels. And it's not really kosher so you'll burn in hell for having eaten a life time supply of bacon in one meal.
But dang it looks so good! The images are burned in my brain forever and writing about it makes me drool like Homer Simpson.

30 January 2009

Regional Cola Rebellion

L'auvergne se rebelle et a crée son propre soda au goût de cola. L'Auvergnat Cola Mmm ça va être bon avec la truffade!

Mais les auvergnats ne sont pas les seuls à se "rebeller". Les corses aussi on "leur" Corsica Cola à part de forme de la bouteille l'étiquette ressemble tellement au grand concurrent, que on dirait presque un design à l'honneur de CC (Light). Où est la rébellion dans tout ça? On a mal digéré que Orangina a été racheté?
Ça ne sera pas plus facile de ne plus boire du cola et boire à la place des sodas anciens comme la limonade? Avant il n'y a plus de petites producteurs locaux. Soutenons les avant que'ils se font racheter par des grands groupes notés sur Wallstreet!

A Tweet from lamaincourante brought to my attention the site of Auvergnat Cola. As the site states it's born as an act of rebellion to produce a cola in the Auvergnat region. Sure they have great volcanic springwater, but do you have to drink it with tons of sugar and a secret mixture of more or less tasty ingredients? Would they serve this cola rather than the soda from the "evil empire" with an authentic Truffade?

But the Auvergnats are not the only ones to rebel with their own regional cola, the Corsicans did it too. The Corsica Cola bottle is different shaped but the label looks like a free meal for copyright lawyers to me!
Where's the rebellion in being a look-a-like ? Did you people haven't digested the Orangina take-over yet?
What about not drinking cola anymore and drink original old fashioned lemonade instead ? Although there are just a couple of survivors from the many local producers from way back when, it is still produced and the producers are struggling for market-share. It would be way more sustainable and rebellious then any cola spin-off.

28 January 2009

Popular Blogger goes shopping

Here's a video from Steve Garfield a blogger i follow on Twitter, he takes us shopping. Funny but we never know what he bought!

11 January 2009

Grocery Store Wars

A video story on bio food:

09 January 2009

Monsanto Milk and Fox: the truth is out there...

Aint we glad we don't have hormones in our milk in Europe... or do we? I'll stick to organic milk to be sure. But what about independent media? Do we have a sort of "organic" label for journalist and news outlets?

06 January 2009

Ted Talks Chinese Food

Ted Talks is always interesting always something to learn. This Ted Talk is food related: Interesting and funny information about the origins of Chinese food. All time favorites are often times not as Chinese as we think. My personal favorite is the Chop Suey story: translated it means odds and ends and would be equivalent of putting "leftovers" on the menu.

02 January 2009

Ted Talks Food for Thoughts

Dan Barber talking about Foie Gras, I know you had enough of that during the holidays, we people living in France sure did. But this Ted Talk makes a great start of the year.
Dan is not only talking about a producer in Spain making natural Foie Gras without gavage producing an absolute divine product, exactly as nature intended. Making the parallel to other products and giving us some food for thoughts about food and life.